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We are an Orthodox Christian community brought together by our love for the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the foundation of our faith. Since 1915, Orthodox Christians have gathered here in East Pittsburgh to participate in our ancient faith, which is Biblical, Liturgical, Eucharistic, and applicable to our daily lives.
As we gather to worship, we remember our Lord’s exhortation to love our neighbor and gather for fellowship, outreach, and service events.
We invite you to browse our website and visit our parish Facebook page for a complete listing of worship, service, and fellowship activities at the Presentation of Christ. We pray that you will feel welcome to make your family a part of our church family!
See you at Church!
Presentation of Christ Greek Orthodox Church
1672 Electric Avenue
East Pittsburgh, PA 15112
Church Phone: 412-824-9188
Email: presentationofchristoffice@gmail.com